Team regulate

  • Tuesday & Thursday - 8-11PM EST
    Optional Reclear - Fridays 8-11PM EST

    Our goal for 11.1 is pushing for CE. We believe we have the core roster to achieve it, but it will require a lot of work and patience from everyone involved.

    In order to start with Regulate on the first day of 11.1, the minimum item level requirement is going to be 635.

    • Gear up outside of raid (4 keys are required every week for at least he first two months of the season)

    • Have enchants and consumables in all available slots

    • Have mandatory add-ons (DBM, WeakAuras, MRT, RCLoot)

    • Watch videos/research your class/talents/rotation

    • Research and understand raid fights before the first pull

    • Post a Droptimizer every week before raid so that we can optimize loot drops

    Since we all work hard towards the same goal, if we feel like some people's performance is consistently low and is detrimental to the raid, we might ask them to sit for the benefit of the group until they show improvement.

    • 100% attendance is not required, but we ask at least 90%, as we want consistency.

    • We are planning on raiding for the full season, this is a long-haul goal so we expect members to commit to that and keep showing up.

    • Tell the raid leader or your role leader if you are going to miss one ore more raid nights, or show up late.

    • Reclears don't mean it's a night off. If you don't need any more loot, some guildies might and it's part of our common goal to get everyone geared up!

    • USE THE SIGN-UP SHEET IN THE TEAM'S CHANNEL EVERY WEEK. If you don't, you will start on bench. I will not stress this enough, it is so helpful to know who will be there.

    • Cooperate with guildies and act as a group rather than individually.

    • Help yourself and others improve, especially if playing the same class.

    • Jump on keys with teammates and help everyone get some gear.

    • Be patient. We will wipe a lot, especially when we start hitting wall bosses in Mythic. It's a natural part of raiding, so we need to take raid one step at a time and be patient with ourselves, and each other. We'll get the kills eventually but keeping a fun atmosphere will make it much more fun for everybody.

    • Take criticism and be open to constant improvement.

    • Be okay with being on the bench. We will have a roster above 20, but we are setting up for success, meaning raid comp will come into play. There's a chance you won't be on the starting roster for certain fights, but this is why we'll also reclear. Everyone will get the kills eventually, don't worry!

    • Show up on time and ready for raid!

  • Priority in the roster will go to (in no particular order yet):

    • People who apply mechanics well

    • People who perform the best

    • People who keep a positive attitude

    • People who show up on time/come back from break on time

    • People who use the sign-up sheet

    • We have a loot council for all items.

    • Post a Droptimizer every week or don't get loot.

    • Early in the season, don't roll need on side-grades until everyone is decently geared.

    • Priority is DPS > Healers > Tanks > Bench > Trials > Off-spec > People who didn't meet the minimum requirements (4 M+, Using the sign-ups, updating their wishlist). Unless we are seeing real challenges that require otherwise.